Why Your Flash Website Needs a Redesign by Raleigh’s Web Design Experts

Don’t let Flash web design hold you back. Whether you’re a Raleigh web designer, small business owner or eCommerce marketing manager, it’s time to say goodbye to Adobe Flash and start reaping the benefits of modern web design techniques.

When you launched your website years ago, designing with Adobe Flash probably seemed like a good idea; your Raleigh web design firm created an attractive site with cutting edge graphics. But if your Flash website hasn’t delivered the marketing results you expected, there’s a reason: Flash isn’t search engine-friendly…and in many cases, it isn’t even user-friendly.

Still using Flash? Here’s why it’s time for a website redesign:

Flash is bad for SEO. Flash files are basically invisible to search engines, meaning that if your site is entirely Flash web design, potential customers are unlikely to see you in Google search results and you’re missing out on the number one source of online lead generation.

Flash hurts your mobile marketing strategy. Recent data predicts that by 2015, mobile web use will eclipse desktop internet use. But if you have a Flash website, you’ll be left in the dust. iPhones, iPads and many other mobile devices aren’t compatible with Flash, meaning your website simply won’t show up.

Flash is harder to update. Because Flash elements are difficult to integrate with a CMS (content management system), they’re harder and more expensive to change…meaning many Flash websites have become outdated.

Flash isn’t user-friendly. Besides being slower, Flash websites also require users to have an up-to-date Adobe plug-in in order to view the site.

Flash isn’t open-source. Because Flash is proprietary Adobe software, your site relies on a third party to display information. Open standard software like HTML5 offers greater accessibility for your Raleigh website viewers — no Adobe plug-in required.

Attractive, interactive web design — no Flash required!

With modern web design techniques, there’s no need to rely on Adobe Flash for attractive graphics and interactive website elements. Open standard programming languages like HTML5 offer the best alternative, enabling Raleigh web designers and developers to create all the design features of a Flash website, with none of the negative effects.

So when you’re ready to for a new website design, say no to Flash. Equip your website for optimal search engine rankings and lead conversion — choose high-end, custom web design from a Raleigh web design company like Click Optimize.