How A Mobile Web Design Can Boost Your Conversion Rate

We have seen a huge increase in the ownership of smartphone and tablet devices revolutionising the way in which we browse the internet. Currently 7% of all e-commerce website traffic is coming from mobile devices, and that figure is only set to increase – a recent study has shown that by 2013 we are more likely to use a tablet or smartphone to search the internet while at home. With these figures in mind retailers have quickly been jumping on the mobile site bandwagon, to make sure that they dont miss out on any valuable sales. But is it really worthwhile? Surely a well-designed normal website will work just as well?

Unfortunately, in reality, the answer has to be no. Potential customers will of course be able to browse your website on their mobile device if you do not have a specifically designed site, but the likelihood is that it will be difficult and confusing for them to use ultimately reducing the conversion rate on the site and losing sales. If a shopper clicks through after a search or seeing an advertisement it is extremely important that they are faced with a site that is user friendly so they are less likely to bounce off and find another site that better serves their needs. This is why it makes sense to invest in a mobile site you may well be losing customers who are ready to click the buy button simply because the site is confusing to use. The frustrating thing is that this barrier is so easily crossed.

A mobile site is an ideal platform to boost your conversion rates. The limitations on a mobile site means that there are less diversions and distractions for visitors, there are fewer ads and unnecessary content. Consumers cant get lost within an app and should only be able to go one direction – straight to a conversion.

Another great aspect of a mobile site is that a browser can easily click to ring the company they are looking at or send an email, this interaction you can possibly have with a potential customer really needs to be in the fore front of your mind when designing a mobile site.

When designing your mobile site it is important to have as strategy in place in order to optimise and increase your conversion rate. Considering the business objectives is fundamental as it would be for a normal site, but there are also other things to consider when designing a mobile site. Going for a simple design is a good idea, it means that the website is easier and quicker to download but this doesnt have to be at the cost of design. Single columns also work very well along with collapsible options. Pulling together all these ideas will really help to improve your conversion rate, helping you to really get the most out of your mobile site.